Uses of Class

Packages that use Item
javax.microedition.lcdui The APIs in the LCDUI package provide a set of features for implementing user interfaces in MIDP applications. 

Uses of Item in javax.microedition.lcdui

Subclasses of Item in javax.microedition.lcdui
 class ChoiceGroup
          A ChoiceGroup is a group of selectable elements intended to be placed within a Form.
 class CustomItem
          A CustomItem is customizable by subclassing to introduce new visual and interactive elements into Forms.
 class DateField
          A DateField is an editable component for presenting date and time (calendar) information that may be placed into a Form.
 class Gauge
          Implements a graphical display, such as a bar graph, of an integer value.
 class IdleItem
          This class represents a dedicated UI component that can be used to render content to the idle screen.
 class ImageItem
          An item that can contain an image.
 class Spacer
          A blank, non-interactive item that has a settable minimum size.
 class StringItem
          An item that can contain a string.
 class TextField
          A TextField is an editable text component that may be placed into a Form.

Methods in javax.microedition.lcdui that return Item
 Item Form.get(int itemNum)
          Gets the item at given position.
 Item Form.getCurrent()
          Gets the currently focused Item in the Form.
protected  Item TableLayoutPolicy.getTraverse(Item item, int dir)
          Gets the Item logically adjacent to an existing Item in the traversal direction.
protected abstract  Item FormLayoutPolicy.getTraverse(Item item, int dir)
          Gets the Item logically adjecent to an existing Item in the traversal direction.

Methods in javax.microedition.lcdui with parameters of type Item
 int Form.append(Item item)
          Adds an Item into the Form.
 void ItemCommandListener.commandAction(Command c, Item item)
          Called by the system to indicate that a command has been invoked on a particular item.
protected  int FormLayoutPolicy.getHeight(Item item)
          Gets the height of the Item.
protected  Item TableLayoutPolicy.getTraverse(Item item, int dir)
          Gets the Item logically adjacent to an existing Item in the traversal direction.
protected abstract  Item FormLayoutPolicy.getTraverse(Item item, int dir)
          Gets the Item logically adjecent to an existing Item in the traversal direction.
protected  int FormLayoutPolicy.getWidth(Item item)
          Gets the current width of the Item.
protected  int FormLayoutPolicy.getX(Item item)
          Gets the x position of the Item.
protected  int FormLayoutPolicy.getY(Item item)
          Gets the y position of the Item.
 void Form.insert(int itemNum, Item item)
          Inserts an item into the Form just prior to the item specified.
protected  boolean FormLayoutPolicy.isValid(Item item)
          Returns true if the position and of the Item are valid.
 void ItemStateListener.itemStateChanged(Item item)
          Called when internal state of an Item has been changed by the user.
 void ItemTraversalListener.itemTraversedIn(Item item)
          Called when the item gains focus.
 void ItemTraversalListener.itemTraversedOut(Item item)
          Called when the item loses focus.
 void Form.set(int itemNum, Item item)
          Sets the item referenced by itemNum to the specified item, replacing the previous item.
 void Display.setCurrentItem(Item item)
          Requests that the Displayable that contains this Item be made current, scrolls the Displayable so that this Item is visible, and possibly assigns the focus to this Item.
protected  void FormLayoutPolicy.setPosition(Item item, int x, int y)
          Sets the position of the Item.
protected  void FormLayoutPolicy.setSize(Item item, int width, int height)
          Sets the width and height of the Item.
protected  void FormLayoutPolicy.setValid(Item item, boolean valid)
          Sets the validity of the Item.

Constructors in javax.microedition.lcdui with parameters of type Item
Form(java.lang.String title, Item[] items)
          Creates a new Form with the specified contents.


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