CLDC 1.1.1


Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework.


Class Summary
AccessController The AccessController class is used to decide whether an access to a critical system resource is to be allowed or denied, based on the security policy currently in effect.
BasicPermission The BasicPermission class extends the Permission class, and can be used as the base class for permissions that want to follow the same naming convention as BasicPermission.
Permission Abstract class for representing access to a system resource.
PermissionCollection Abstract class representing a collection of Permission objects.

Exception Summary
AccessControlException This exception is thrown by the AccessController to indicate that a requested access (to a critical system resource such as the file system or the network) is denied.

Package Description

Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework.


CLDC 1.1.1

Copyright 2000-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use of this specification is subject to license terms.