M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005

Class Graphics3D

  extended byjavax.microedition.m3g.Graphics3D

public class Graphics3D
extends java.lang.Object

A singleton 3D graphics context that can be bound to a rendering target. All rendering is done through the render methods in this class, including the rendering of World objects. There is no other way to draw anything in this API.

Quick introduction

Using the Graphics3D is very straightforward. The application only needs to obtain the Graphics3D instance (there is only one), bind a target to it, render everything, and release the target. This is shown in the code fragment below.

Immediate mode and retained mode rendering

There are four different render methods, operating at different levels of granularity. The first method is for rendering an entire World. When this method is used, we say that the API operates in retained mode. The second method is for rendering scene graph nodes, including Groups. The third and fourth methods are for rendering an individual submesh. When the node and submesh rendering methods are used, the API is said to operate in immediate mode.

There is a current camera and an array of current lights in Graphics3D. These are used by the immediate mode rendering methods only. The retained mode rendering method render(World) uses the camera and lights that are specified in the World itself, ignoring the Graphics3D camera and lights. Instead, render(World) replaces the Graphics3D current camera and lights with the active camera and lights in the rendered World. This allows subsequent immediate mode rendering to utilize the same camera and lighting setup as the World.

Rendering targets

Before rendering anything or even clearing the screen, the application must bind a rendering target to this Graphics3D, using the bindTarget method. When finished with rendering a frame, the application must release the rendering target by calling the releaseTarget method. Implementations may queue rendering commands and only execute them when the target is released.

The rendering target can be either a Graphics object or an Image2D. The type of the Graphics object is specific to the Java profile that this API is implemented on. In case of the MID profile, it must be a javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics object, and it may be associated with a Canvas, mutable Image, or CustomItem.

Once a rendering target is bound to the Graphics3D, all rendering will end up in the color buffer of its rendering target until releaseTarget is called. If the OVERWRITE hint flag is not given, the contents of the rendering target, after releasing it, will be equal to what they were before the target was bound, augmented with any 3D rendering performed while it was bound. If the hint flag is given, the implementation may substitute undefined data for the original contents of the rendering target.

There can be only one rendering target bound to the Graphics3D at a time. Also, a bound rendering target should not be accessed via any other interface than the host Graphics3D. This is not enforced, but the results are unpredictable otherwise. For example, the following scenarios will result in unpredictable output:

The contents of the depth buffer are unspecified after bindTarget, and they are discarded after releaseTarget. In order to clear depth buffer contents (and color buffer contents, if so desired) after binding a rendering target, the application must call the clear method, either explicitly, or implicitly by rendering a World.

Origin translation and clipping

The viewport can be freely positioned relative to the rendering target, without releasing and re-binding the target. The position of the viewport is specified relative to the origin of the rendering target. For Graphics targets, this is the origin in effect when calling bindTarget; for Image2D targets, the origin is always at the top left corner. Changing the origin of a bound Graphics object has no effect.

All 3D rendering is clipped to visible part of the viewport, that is, the intersection of the viewport specified in setViewport and the rendering target clip rectangle. Rendering operations (including clear) must not touch pixels falling outside of the visible part of the viewport. This is illustrated in the figure below.

For Graphics targets, the clipping rectangle is the MIDP/AWT clipping rectangle that is in effect when calling bindTarget. Similar to the origin, changing the clipping rectangle of a bound Graphics object will result in unpredictable behavior. For Image2D targets, the clipping rectangle comprises all pixels in the target image.

Origin translation and clipping are independent of the viewport and projection transformations, as well as rasterization. All other parameters being equal, rendering calls must produce the same pixels (prior to clipping) into the area bounded by the viewport regardless of the position of the viewport or the target clipping rectangle.

Note that when we refer to the viewport in this specification, we occasionally mean only the visible part of it. If it is not obvious from the context whether we mean the full viewport or just the visible portion, we state that explicitly.

Rendering quality hints

In some situations, image quality might be more important for an application than rendering speed or memory usage. Some applications might also want to increase or decrease the image quality based on device capabilities. Some might go so far as to dynamically adjust the quality; for instance, by displaying freeze frames or slow-motion sequences in higher quality.

There are three global options in Graphics3D that allow applications to indicate a preference for higher rendering quality at the expense of slower speed and/or extra memory usage. The application can specify these rendering quality hints when binding a rendering target (see bindTarget), and query their availability using getProperties. The hints are as follows:

The fact that a hint is supported does not guarantee that it is supported for all different types of rendering targets. For example, antialiasing may be supported for Image targets, but not Canvas targets. Implementations must indicate support for a hint if that hint is supported for at least one type of rendering target. Furthermore, if more than one hint is supported, it is not guaranteed that those hints can be used together. For example, antialiasing may preclude dithering, and vice versa. If the application specifies two or more hints, and that combination is not supported, the implementation may enable any one (or two) of those hints.

It is only meaningful for the implementation to support a hint if that allows the application to trade performance for quality or vice versa. For example, if dithering is built into the display hardware and is always enabled, the implementation should not indicate support for the dithering hint. Similarly, if the device has a 24 bpp display, the implementation should not support the true color hint (unless, of course, it uses even higher color precision in the back buffer).

Implementation guidelines

See the package description for general implementation requirements, definitions of coordinate systems, and other background information.

Depth buffer

The format and bit depth of the depth buffer are specific to each implementation and are not known to the application. However, the depth buffer resolution must be at least 8 bits. The contents of the depth buffer are never exposed through the API, so implementations may choose not to use a conventional depth buffer at all. However, a conforming implementation is required to behave as if it were using an ordinary depth buffer.

Color buffer

The resolution of each color channel (R, G, B and A) in the color buffer must be at least 1 bit. Not all color channels are necessarily present; for example, the alpha channel is missing from Canvas and Image targets in MIDP. On a device with a black and white display, there may be only one channel, representing the luminance. In such a situation, the conversion of RGB colors into luminance can be done at any point in the pipeline, provided that the conversion is done according to the general rules set forth in the package description.

The clear and render(World) methods impose the restriction that the background image must be in the same format as the bound rendering target. It is worth highlighting that when bound to a MIDP Graphics object, the effective format can only be RGB (never RGBA) due to restrictions in the MIDP specification. It is also true that the MIDP Graphics object appears to be an RGB target even when the physical display is in fact monochrome. This reduces the complexity of application development considerably, since an RGB format image is valid for any binding to a MIDP target. Other target platforms may or may not be similarly specified.

Back buffer

It is intentionally unspecified whether a separate back buffer should be allocated for colors or not. Instead, we leave it the implementation to decide which mode of operation is the most efficient, or which produces the best quality, according to the screen dimensions and speed versus quality preferences given by the application.

The decision whether to allocate any back buffer memory should be made at the latest when a new rendering target is first bound to the Graphics3D object. A previously bound rendering target is considered to be "new" when the rendering quality hints or the dimensions of the clipping rectangle have changed. In the case of a Graphics target, the actual rendering target is considered to be the Canvas, Image or other surface that the Graphics is attached to. The motivation for this rule is to guarantee that repeated rebinding of a rendering target - or several different rendering targets - will not incur the performance penalty of reallocating back buffer memory.

As an example of when a back buffer may be desired, consider a case where the application specifies setDitheringEnable(true) and subsequently binds a Canvas target. If the MIDP native color format is of low precision (such as RGB444), the implementation may wish to render at a higher color precision to a back buffer, then dither down to the MIDP native color format.

A code fragment illustrating the usage of Graphics3D.
public class MyCanvas extends Canvas
    World myWorld;
    int currentTime = 0;

    public MyCanvas() throws IOException {

        // Load an entire World. Proper exception handling is omitted
        // for clarity; see the class description of Loader for a more
        // elaborate example.

        Object3D[] objects = Loader.load("http://www.example.com/myscene.m3g");
        myWorld = (World) objects[0];

    // The paint method is called by MIDP after the application has issued
    // a repaint request. We draw a new frame on this Canvas by binding the
    // current Graphics object as the target, then rendering, and finally
    // releasing the target.

    protected void paint(Graphics g) {

        // Get the singleton Graphics3D instance that is associated
        // with this midlet.

        Graphics3D g3d = Graphics3D.getInstance();

        // Bind the 3D graphics context to the given MIDP Graphics
        // object. The viewport will cover the whole of this Canvas.


        // Apply animations, render the scene and release the Graphics.

        g3d.render(myWorld);    // render a view from the active camera
        g3d.releaseTarget();    // flush the rendered image
        currentTime += 50;      // assume we can handle 20 frames per second

Field Summary
static int ANTIALIAS
          A parameter to bindTarget, specifying that antialiasing should be turned on.
static int DITHER
          A parameter to bindTarget, specifying that dithering should be turned on.
static int OVERWRITE
          A parameter to bindTarget, specifying that the existing contents of the rendering target need not be preserved.
static int TRUE_COLOR
          A parameter to bindTarget, specifying that true color rendering should be turned on.
Method Summary
 int addLight(Light light, Transform transform)
          Binds a Light to use in subsequent immediate mode rendering.
 void bindTarget(java.lang.Object target)
          Binds the given Graphics or mutable Image2D as the rendering target of this Graphics3D.
 void bindTarget(java.lang.Object target, boolean depthBuffer, int hints)
          Binds the given Graphics or mutable Image2D as the rendering target of this Graphics3D.
 void clear(Background background)
          Clears the viewport as specified in the given Background object.
 Camera getCamera(Transform transform)
          Returns the current camera.
 float getDepthRangeFar()
          Returns the far distance of the depth range.
 float getDepthRangeNear()
          Returns the near distance of the depth range.
 int getHints()
          Returns the rendering hints given for the current rendering target.
static Graphics3D getInstance()
          Retrieves the singleton Graphics3D instance that is associated with this application.
 Light getLight(int index, Transform transform)
          Returns a light in the current light array.
 int getLightCount()
          Returns the size of the current light array.
static java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
          Retrieves implementation specific properties.
 java.lang.Object getTarget()
          Returns the current rendering target.
 int getViewportHeight()
          Returns the height of the viewport.
 int getViewportWidth()
          Returns the width of the viewport.
 int getViewportX()
          Returns the horizontal position of the viewport.
 int getViewportY()
          Returns the vertical position of the viewport.
 boolean isDepthBufferEnabled()
          Queries whether depth buffering is enabled for the current rendering target.
 void releaseTarget()
          Flushes the rendered 3D image to the currently bound target and then releases the target.
 void render(Node node, Transform transform)
          Renders the given Sprite3D, Mesh, or Group node with the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates.
 void render(VertexBuffer vertices, IndexBuffer triangles, Appearance appearance, Transform transform)
          Renders the given submesh with the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates.
 void render(VertexBuffer vertices, IndexBuffer triangles, Appearance appearance, Transform transform, int scope)
          Renders the given submesh with the given scope and the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates.
 void render(World world)
          Renders an image of world as viewed by the active camera of that World.
 void resetLights()
          Clears the array of current Lights.
 void setCamera(Camera camera, Transform transform)
          Sets the Camera to use in subsequent immediate mode rendering.
 void setDepthRange(float near, float far)
          Specifies the mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates.
 void setLight(int index, Light light, Transform transform)
          Replaces or modifies a Light currently bound for immediate mode rendering.
 void setViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Specifies a rectangular viewport on the currently bound rendering target.

Field Detail


public static final int ANTIALIAS

A parameter to bindTarget, specifying that antialiasing should be turned on. The application may query from getProperties whether this hint is acted upon by the implementation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DITHER

A parameter to bindTarget, specifying that dithering should be turned on. The application may query from getProperties whether this hint is acted upon by the implementation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRUE_COLOR

A parameter to bindTarget, specifying that true color rendering should be turned on. The application may query from getProperties whether this hint is acted upon by the implementation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OVERWRITE
A parameter to bindTarget, specifying that the existing contents of the rendering target need not be preserved. This can improve performance in applications that fully overwrite the rendering target without necessarily clearing it first.

M3G 1.1
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static final Graphics3D getInstance()

Retrieves the singleton Graphics3D instance that is associated with this application. The same instance will be returned every time.

Initially, the state of the Graphics3D instance is as follows:

the Graphics3D instance associated with this application


public void bindTarget(java.lang.Object target)

Binds the given Graphics or mutable Image2D as the rendering target of this Graphics3D. The type of the Graphics object depends on the Java profile that this specification is implemented on, as follows:

The state of this Graphics3D after calling this method will be as follows:

The dimensions of the given target must not exceed the implementation-specific maximum viewport size, which can be queried with getProperties. The viewport is set such that its top left corner is at the top left corner of the target clipping rectangle, and its dimensions are equal to those of the clipping rectangle.

Note that this method will not block waiting if another thread has already bound a rendering target to this Graphics3D. Instead, it will throw an exception. Only one target can be bound at a time, and it makes no difference whether that target has been bound from the current thread or some other thread.

target - the Image2D or Graphics object to receive the rendered image
java.lang.NullPointerException - if target is null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D already has a rendering target
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if target is not a mutable Image2D object or a Graphics object appropriate to the underlying Java profile
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (target.width > maxViewportWidth) || (target.height > maxViewportHeight)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if target is an Image2D with an internal format other than RGB or RGBA
See Also:
releaseTarget, getHints, isDepthBufferEnabled


public void bindTarget(java.lang.Object target,
                       boolean depthBuffer,
                       int hints)

Binds the given Graphics or mutable Image2D as the rendering target of this Graphics3D. This method is identical to the simpler variant of bindTarget, but allows the depth buffering enable flag and the rendering hints to be specified. See the class description for more information on these.

If the depth buffer is disabled, depth testing and depth writing are implicitly disabled for all objects, regardless of their individual CompositingMode settings.

target - the Image2D or Graphics object to receive the rendered image
depthBuffer - true to enable depth buffering; false to disable
hints - an integer bitmask specifying which rendering hints to enable, or zero to disable all hints
java.lang.NullPointerException - if target is null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D already has a rendering target
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if target is not a mutable Image2D object or a Graphics object appropriate to the underlying Java profile
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if target is an Image2D with an internal format other than RGB or RGBA
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (target.width > maxViewportWidth) || (target.height > maxViewportHeight)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if hints is not zero or an OR bitmask of one or more of ANTIALIAS, DITHER, TRUE_COLOR, and OVERWRITE
See Also:
releaseTarget, getHints, isDepthBufferEnabled


public void releaseTarget()

Flushes the rendered 3D image to the currently bound target and then releases the target. This ensures that the 3D image is actually made visible on the target that was set in bindTarget. Otherwise, the image may or may not become visible. If no target is bound, the request to release the target is silently ignored.

See Also:


public java.lang.Object getTarget()
Returns the current rendering target.

the currently bound rendering target, or null if no target is bound
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public int getHints()
Returns the rendering hints given for the current rendering target. If no target is bound, the return value is undefined.

Note that the return value is the hint bitmask set by the application, even if the implementation is not acting upon all of the hints in it.

the current rendering hint bitmask
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public boolean isDepthBufferEnabled()
Queries whether depth buffering is enabled for the current rendering target. If no target is bound, the return value is undefined.

true if depth buffering is enabled, false if not
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public void setViewport(int x,
                        int y,
                        int width,
                        int height)

Specifies a rectangular viewport on the currently bound rendering target. The viewport is the area where the view of the current camera will appear. Any parts of the viewport that lie outside the boundaries of the target clipping rectangle are silently clipped off; however, this must simply discard the pixels without affecting projection. The viewport upper left corner (x, y) is given relative to the origin for a Graphics rendering target, or the upper left corner for an Image2D target. Refer to the class description for details.

The viewport mapping transforms vertices from normalized device coordinates (xndc, yndc) to window coordinates (xw, yw) as follows:

where w and h are the width and height of the viewport, specified in pixels, and (ox, oy) is the center of the viewport, also in pixels. The center of the viewport is obtained from the (x, y) coordinates of the top left corner as follows:

x - X coordinate of the viewport upper left corner, in pixels
y - Y coordinate of the viewport upper left corner, in pixels
width - width of the viewport, in pixels
height - height of the viewport, in pixels
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (width <= 0) || (height <= 0) (note that x and y may have any value)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (width > maxViewportWidth) || (height > maxViewportHeight)
See Also:
bindTarget, getViewportX, getViewportY, getViewportWidth, getViewportHeight


public int getViewportX()
Returns the horizontal position of the viewport.

the X coordinate of the upper left corner, in pixels
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public int getViewportY()
Returns the vertical position of the viewport.

the Y coordinate of the upper left corner, in pixels
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public int getViewportWidth()
Returns the width of the viewport.

the width of the viewport, in pixels
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public int getViewportHeight()
Returns the height of the viewport.

the height of the viewport, in pixels
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public void setDepthRange(float near,
                          float far)

Specifies the mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates. Window coordinates are used for depth buffering.

Depth values may range from -1 to 1 in normalized device coordinates (NDC), and from 0 to 1 in window coordinates. By default, the whole [0, 1] range of window coordinates is used. This method allows the normalized device coordinates [-1, 1] to be mapped to a "tighter" interval of window coordinates, for example, (0.5, 1].

Formally, the Z coordinate of a vertex in NDC, zndc, is transformed to window coordinates (zw) as follows:

where near and far are the distances, in window coordinates, to the near and far plane of the depth range, respectively. Both distances must be in [0, 1]. However, it is not necessary for the near plane to be closer than the far plane; inverse mappings are also acceptable.

near - distance to the near clipping plane, in window coordinates
far - distance to the far clipping plane, in window coordinates
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (near < 0) || (near > 1)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (far < 0) || (far > 1)
See Also:
getDepthRangeNear, getDepthRangeFar


public float getDepthRangeNear()
Returns the near distance of the depth range.

distance to the near clipping plane, in window coordinates
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public float getDepthRangeFar()
Returns the far distance of the depth range.

distance to the far clipping plane, in window coordinates
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public void clear(Background background)

Clears the viewport as specified in the given Background object. If the background object is null, the default settings are used. That is, the color buffer is cleared to transparent black, and the depth buffer to the maximum depth value (1.0).

background - a Background object defining which buffers to clear and how, or null to use the default settings
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the background image in background is not in the same format as the currently bound rendering target
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D does not have a rendering target


public void render(World world)

Renders an image of world as viewed by the active camera of that World. The node transformation of the World is ignored, but its other attributes are respected.

Contrary to the immediate mode render variants, this method automatically clears the color buffer and the depth buffer according to the Background settings of the World.

Prior to rendering, the current camera and lights set in this Graphics3D are automatically overwritten with the active camera and lights of the World. Upon method return, the lights array will contain precisely those Light nodes whose effective rendering enable flag is true (see Node.setRenderingEnable). The Lights are written to the array in undefined order, but such that the first Light is at index 0 and there are no empty slots interleaved within non-empty slots. As usual, the Camera and Light transformations will be from their local coordinates to world coordinates (i.e., the coordinate system of world). In other words, the Camera and Lights are effectively set up as follows:

For any node that is rendered, if the transformation from that node's local coordinates to the camera space is not invertible, the results of lighting and fogging are undefined.

world - the World to render
java.lang.NullPointerException - if world is null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D does not have a rendering target
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if world has no active camera, or the active camera is not in that world
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the background image of world is not in the same format as the currently bound rendering target
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if any Mesh that is rendered violates the constraints defined in Mesh, MorphingMesh, SkinnedMesh, VertexBuffer, or IndexBuffer
java.lang.ArithmeticException - if the transformation from the active camera of world to the world space is uninvertible


public void render(Node node,
                   Transform transform)

Renders the given Sprite3D, Mesh, or Group node with the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates. The node transformation of the given node is ignored, but its other attributes are respected.

Any ancestors of the given node are ignored, as well as their transformations and other attributes. The node's descendants, if any, are rendered as usual. However, any Camera and Light nodes among the descendants are ignored and the camera and lights of this Graphics3D are used instead.

The scope masks of the current Lights and Camera are respected, as well as the rendering enable flags of the Lights. The rendering enable flag of the Camera is ignored, as always.

Note that Mesh nodes include MorphingMesh and SkinnedMesh nodes, and that Group nodes include World nodes. If a World is passed to this method, it is simply treated like any other Group and therefore any Background, Camera and Light objects it may have are ignored.

This method does not clear the color and depth buffers; the application must explicitly clear them with the clear method and/or draw any background graphics beforehand.

For any node that is rendered, if the transformation from that node's local coordinates to the camera space is not invertible, the results of lighting and fogging are undefined.

node - the Sprite3D, Mesh, or Group to render
transform - the transformation from the local coordinate system of node to world space, or null to indicate the identity matrix
java.lang.NullPointerException - if node is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if node is not a Sprite3D, Mesh, or Group
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D does not have a rendering target
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D does not have a current camera
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if any Mesh that is rendered violates the constraints defined in Mesh, MorphingMesh, SkinnedMesh, VertexBuffer, or IndexBuffer


public void render(VertexBuffer vertices,
                   IndexBuffer triangles,
                   Appearance appearance,
                   Transform transform,
                   int scope)

Renders the given submesh with the given scope and the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates.

The scope masks of the current Lights and Camera are respected, as well as the rendering enable flags of the Lights. The rendering enable flag of the Camera is ignored, as always.

If the transformation from local coordinates to the camera space is not invertible, the results of lighting and fogging are undefined.

vertices - a VertexBuffer defining the vertex attributes
triangles - an IndexBuffer defining the triangle strips
appearance - an Appearance defining the surface properties
transform - the transformation from the local coordinate system of vertices to world space, or null to indicate the identity matrix
scope - the scope of the submesh; this determines whether the submesh is rendered at all, and if it is, which lights are used; "-1" makes the scope as wide as possible
java.lang.NullPointerException - if vertices is null
java.lang.NullPointerException - if triangles is null
java.lang.NullPointerException - if appearance is null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D does not have a rendering target
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D does not have a current camera
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if vertices or triangles violates the constraints defined in VertexBuffer or IndexBuffer


public void render(VertexBuffer vertices,
                   IndexBuffer triangles,
                   Appearance appearance,
                   Transform transform)

Renders the given submesh with the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates. This method is exactly the same as the other submesh rendering method, except that the scope is implicitly set to -1 (the widest possible).

vertices - a VertexBuffer defining the vertex attributes
triangles - an IndexBuffer defining the triangle strips
appearance - an Appearance defining the surface properties
transform - the transformation from the local coordinate system of vertices to world space, or null to indicate the identity matrix
java.lang.NullPointerException - if vertices is null
java.lang.NullPointerException - if triangles is null
java.lang.NullPointerException - if appearance is null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D does not have a rendering target
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this Graphics3D does not have a current camera
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if vertices or triangles violates the constraints defined in VertexBuffer or IndexBuffer


public void setCamera(Camera camera,
                      Transform transform)

Sets the Camera to use in subsequent immediate mode rendering. The given transformation is from the Camera's local coordinate system (camera space) to the world space. The transformation is copied in, so any further changes to it will not be reflected in this Graphics3D. The node transformation of the Camera is ignored. If the Camera has any ancestors, they are also ignored.

The scope of the Camera is respected when rendering. The rendering enable flag of the Camera is ignored, as always.

The given camera-to-world transformation must be invertible in order that the model-to-camera (or "modelview") transformation for each rendered object and light source can be computed.

camera - the Camera to bind for immediate mode rendering, or null to unbind the current camera
transform - the transformation from the local coordinate system of camera to world space, or null to indicate the identity matrix
java.lang.ArithmeticException - if transform is not invertible
See Also:


public Camera getCamera(Transform transform)
Returns the current camera.

transform - a Transform to store the current camera transformation in, or null to only get the camera
the current camera
M3G 1.1
See Also:


public int addLight(Light light,
                    Transform transform)

Binds a Light to use in subsequent immediate mode rendering. The Light is inserted at the end of the current lights array, regardless of whether there are empty (null) slots at lower indices. The index of the slot in which the Light is inserted is returned to the application. The returned indices are guaranteed to be strictly increasing, until render(World) or resetLights is called.

The given transformation is from the Light's local coordinate system to the world space. Note that the transformation need not be invertible. The transformation is copied in, so any further changes to it will not be reflected in this Graphics3D. The node transformation of the Light is ignored. If the Light has any ancestors, they are also ignored.

Note that the complete transformation is not required for performing lighting computations. Implementations may therefore opt to store only the required parts of it.

The index of the added Light is guaranteed to remain the same until the light is either removed using setLight, or the lights array is overwritten by render(World), or the array is explicitly cleared with resetLights.

The scope and rendering enable flag of the Light are respected when rendering. This enables selection of subsets of the current light array without repeatedly resetting the light array.

light - the Light to add at the end of the array of current lights
transform - the transformation from the local coordinate system of light to world space, or null to indicate the identity matrix
the index at which the Light was inserted in the array
java.lang.NullPointerException - if light is null
See Also:
setLight, getLight


public void setLight(int index,
                     Light light,
                     Transform transform)
Replaces or modifies a Light currently bound for immediate mode rendering. This is similar to addLight, except that an existing light is replaced and the size of the light array does not change.

index - index of the light to set
light - the Light to set, or null to remove the light at index
transform - the transformation from the local coordinate system of light to world space, or null to indicate the identity matrix
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if (index < 0) || (index >= getLightCount)
See Also:
addLight, getLight


public void resetLights()

Clears the array of current Lights.


public int getLightCount()
Returns the size of the current light array. This includes actual lights as well as any empty slots in the array.

the number of slots in the current light array
M3G 1.1
See Also:
addLight, setLight, getLight


public Light getLight(int index,
                      Transform transform)
Returns a light in the current light array.

Note that implementations are not required to store the complete light transformation passed in addLight or setLight. The returned transformation may therefore be different from the transformation passed in, but must produce the same lighting.

index - index of the light to get
transform - transform to store the light transformation in, or null to only get the Light object
the light object at index
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if (index < 0) || (index >= getLightCount)
M3G 1.1
See Also:
addLight, setLight, getLightCount


public static final java.util.Hashtable getProperties()

Retrieves implementation specific properties. The properties are stored in a Hashtable that is keyed by String values. The Hashtable will always contain the entries listed in the table below, but there may also be other entries specific to each implementation.

The third column shows for each property the baseline requirement that all implementations must satisfy. The actual value returned may be equal to or greater than the baseline requirement.

Key (String) Value type Minimum requirement Description
supportAntialiasing Boolean false See above
supportTrueColor Boolean false See above
supportDithering Boolean false See above
supportMipmapping Boolean false See Texture2D
supportPerspectiveCorrection Boolean false See PolygonMode
supportLocalCameraLighting Boolean false See PolygonMode
maxLights Integer 8 See Light
maxViewportWidth Integer 256 See setViewport
maxViewportHeight Integer 256 See setViewport
maxViewportDimension Integer 256 The minimum of {maxViewportWidth, maxViewportHeight}
maxTextureDimension Integer 256 See Texture2D
maxSpriteCropDimension Integer 256 See Sprite3D
maxTransformsPerVertex Integer 2 See SkinnedMesh
numTextureUnits Integer 1 See Appearance

a Hashtable defining properties specific to this implementation

M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005

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