JSR-209 (Final Release)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TextLayout
java.awt.font Provides classes and interface relating to fonts. 

Uses of TextLayout in java.awt.font

Methods in java.awt.font that return TextLayout
 TextLayout TextMeasurer.getLayout(int start, int limit)
          Returns a TextLayout on the given character range.
 TextLayout LineBreakMeasurer.nextLayout(float wrappingWidth)
          Returns the next layout, and updates the current position.
 TextLayout LineBreakMeasurer.nextLayout(float wrappingWidth, int offsetLimit, boolean requireNextWord)
          Returns the next layout, and updates the current position.
 TextLayout TextLayout.getJustifiedLayout(float justificationWidth)
          Creates a copy of this TextLayout justified to the specified width.

Methods in java.awt.font with parameters of type TextLayout
 boolean TextLayout.equals(TextLayout rhs)
          Returns true if the two layouts are equal.
 java.awt.font.TextHitInfo TextLayout.CaretPolicy.getStrongCaret(java.awt.font.TextHitInfo hit1, java.awt.font.TextHitInfo hit2, TextLayout layout)
          Chooses one of the specified TextHitInfo instances as a strong caret in the specified TextLayout.

JSR-209 (Final Release)

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