JSR-209 (Final Release)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TreeSelectionListener
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.tree Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTree

Uses of TreeSelectionListener in javax.swing

Classes in javax.swing that implement TreeSelectionListener
protected  class JTree.TreeSelectionRedirector
          Handles creating a new TreeSelectionEvent with the JTree as the source and passing it off to all the listeners.

Methods in javax.swing that return TreeSelectionListener
 TreeSelectionListener[] JTree.getTreeSelectionListeners()
          Returns an array of all the TreeSelectionListeners added to this JTree with addTreeSelectionListener().

Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type TreeSelectionListener
 void JTree.addTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener tsl)
          Adds a listener for TreeSelection events.
 void JTree.removeTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener tsl)
          Removes a TreeSelection listener.

Uses of TreeSelectionListener in javax.swing.tree

Methods in javax.swing.tree that return TreeSelectionListener
 TreeSelectionListener[] DefaultTreeSelectionModel.getTreeSelectionListeners()
          Returns an array of all the tree selection listeners registered on this model.

Methods in javax.swing.tree with parameters of type TreeSelectionListener
 void TreeSelectionModel.addTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener x)
          Adds x to the list of listeners that are notified each time the set of selected TreePaths changes.
 void TreeSelectionModel.removeTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener x)
          Removes x from the list of listeners that are notified each time the set of selected TreePaths changes.
 void DefaultTreeSelectionModel.addTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener x)
          Adds x to the list of listeners that are notified each time the set of selected TreePaths changes.
 void DefaultTreeSelectionModel.removeTreeSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener x)
          Removes x from the list of listeners that are notified each time the set of selected TreePaths changes.

JSR-209 (Final Release)

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